Home is Where The Body Isn’t.
Solo Exhibition

Solo exhibition at Turf Projects [Croydon England] featuring multi-media works exploring how structures like home, space, time, movement and verbal language can either restrict or free us in expressing ourselves. The exhibition portrays home as a 
feeling, as opposed to a physical place.
The works include photography, video, sculpture, text, and performance – explore this feeling and consider how our sense of ‘home’ can inform our
ability /inability to communicate with the world around us.

Much of the work considers the body as an instrument for expression, providing a method of communication that sits outside of the structures of spoken language. Some of Henrique’s work is intended to provoke you to move through or around them in a certain
pattern – reflecting his belief that tiny subliminal or unintentional actions embody what feels natural to us. Henrique has talked of this interest as being rooted in his own experiences of movement and migration.

If the invisible structures that impose themselves on everyone don’t necessarily serve us all well, or function in the same way for all of us, then how much can they influence what we choose to share with others? How do we push back against such frameworks?

This isn’t a project about stillness or a particular social issue happening outside, instead celebrates liveliness and activity. A tour to appreciate what keeps us moving […]. When we believe, we dance. When we dance, we have faith in our manifestation. Speaking has never been free. It’s taken me some faith to start saying this. When we trust our voices to speak, it almost gets to choose the volume in which it wants to speak it. But one thing we definitely can’t control is our tone: whatever the spirit feels will be immediately transmitted through the tone.
What is our voice?

Text by Holly Graham and B. Atherton